As the oldest child in a family of hugely prolific readers, I was hooked early on the wonders of worlds unknown and information at my fingertips. When I discovered Johanna Lyndsey in my teen years, I was hooked on romances.

Though there have always been stories winding their way through my thoughts with the constant refrain of "what if...", a few bad experiences with school creative writing classes caused me to never give them voice beyond my own daydreams for many many years.

My profession is software testing. I'm actually what's called an SDET (Software Development Engineer in Test) for a major software company which pays my bills nicely and provides a lot of challenge and technical work, even if it does eat into time I might like to spend writing.

I have a lot of hobbies - my geeky day job seems to demand a creative craft outlet to balance it and it's often joked by my family (at least I think it's a joke) that I need to found a 12 Step program for craft-a-holics. I knit, bead, make chainmail and beaded jewelry, quilt, make stained glass, and cross stitch. This is only what I currently do!

In 2004, after I had sold a non-fiction book (on software testing, fancy that!), I decided to actually try my hand at romance and erotic romance writing. I joined my local RWA chapter and started learning everything I could and at the 2005 Emerald City Writer's Conference, I spontaneously responded to a challenge placed by Cherry Adair and signed up to complete the story I was currently the furthest along in drafting by March 30, 2006. So now my spare time is filled more with writing projects than with crafts, but I'm determined to meet Cherry's challenge and, if possible, exceed it.

I live in a wonderful rural community outside of Seattle, Washington with my amazing husband, Chuck, and our son Morgan. I also have an adult son, Jonathan, who is in college and not living at home (but is thankfully close enough to visit). We share our home with 7 indoor cats and an African Grey parrot as well as our backyard with a feral cat colony that we care for.

Adding to my rather diverse background, I am also a Wiccan High Priestess, an elder in my spiritual community (Mohsian Trad, for those who are curious).

Even with all the draws on my time, I still manage to read about a book every day to two days. I believe reading is my lifelong addiction!